Divorce is common, though the grounds may differ

People who file for divorce in Alabama need to have grounds for divorce and may want to consider obtaining legal representation.

Alabama couples who decide to legally separate or file for divorce are certainly not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50 percent of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. Statistics also show that the divorce rate is higher for people who are involved in their second or third marriage, according to the Huffington Post. While some people simply decide that they are no longer compatible, other marriages may suffer from more extreme issues.

Uncovering the grounds for divorce

When filing for divorce, people must have a reason why they wish to dissolve the marriage. Alabama law lists 12 possible grounds for divorce. Although 10 of the reasons for terminating the marriage requires fault to be placed on one of the spouses, there are two reasons that can be used in situations where no one is at fault. These two reasons are irretrievable breakdown and incompatibility, and they are the most common grounds for divorce used in Alabama. Fault can be placed in a divorce if the spouse:

  • Commits adultery
  • Abandons the marriage for at least one year
  • Is incarcerated for at least two years and has a minimum prison sentence of seven years
  • Is addicted to alcohol or drugs
  • Is violent or abusive toward the other spouse
  • Was pregnant when the couple got married, but the other spouse was not aware of the pregnancy

Women who live apart from their husband for at least two years may use that as grounds for divorce. However, the wife must live in Alabama during that two-year period and cannot receive any financial support from the husband during that time.

Initiating the divorce process

There are several ways that people can file for divorce in Alabama. Couples can fill out documents and file for divorce online without any legal representation. However, it may be best to consider obtaining personalized legal counsel from an attorney. In some cases, the spouse may not be forthcoming with all of the information needed to make fair decisions in the divorce settlement. Not only will an attorney investigate the details of the divorce, they may be helpful in providing vital assistance during the divorce process.

Partnering with an attorney

In some cases, it may be advantageous to be the first to file for divorce. An attorney in Alabama can help explore your options and determine which would be best for your unique situation. A divorce lawyer may also help to ensure that you get everything you deserve in the divorce settlement.

Keywords: divorce, grounds, property, children
