Uncovering Hidden Assets To Ensure A Fair Division Of Marital Assets
In some marriages, one spouse will attempt to hide certain assets or funds from the other and keep them for his or her own use. Perhaps it’s a real estate purchase that was never disclosed or a secret account that he or she uses to deposit commissions and bonuses. All marital assets are eligible for division in the event of a divorce, and both spouses have an obligation to fully disclose them.
If you suspect that your spouse is attempting to hide money or property, it’s important that you hire a lawyer who knows the law and has the ability to ensure that all marital property is on the table prior to division. At The Rose Law Firm, LLC, we have successfully represented countless clients in a variety of complex property division cases.
Taking The Necessary Steps For A Fair Division Of All Marital Property
We work with a group of talented forensic accountants and other experts who are highly skilled at uncovering hidden assets. We work closely with you to gain a complete understanding of any possible assets or income you feel your spouse may be attempting to hide. We’ll conduct a thorough investigation, making every effort to locate any undisclosed property.
Misconduct can be a consideration in Alabama property division proceedings. If your spouse has attempted to exclude substantial assets from the marital estate, it could create grounds for seeking a larger share. We carefully consider all options in our efforts to secure the most favorable property settlement available in each case.
Speak With An Attorney About Your Hidden Marital Asset Concerns
Please contact our office in Birmingham to discuss your property division concerns in more detail. We offer a free, in-person consultation to all new clients. You can reach us by phone at 205-323-1124 or via email. A representative of The Rose Law Firm is available at any time, day or night, to help you schedule an appointment.
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