Category Archives: Prenuptial Agreements

How does stay-at-home parenting fit into property division?

When couples reach the decision to divorce, financial matters might be among the first things each spouse considers. Couples typically accumulate assets together during the course of their marriage and must try to untangle them during the course of divorce. As each spouse tries to figure out his or her post-divorce needs, there may be questions about exactly how to formulate the financial settlement. In cases where both spouses have maintained a steady income while being married, property division matters couple be slightly less complex because each individual can expect to have steady income after divorce. This situation for a stay-at-home parent, however, might be a little different. When a person decides to stay at home to raise children, he or she may also being putting a career on hold. Certainly, some parents are more than willing to do so, but having to resume a career after divorce may be … Continue reading How does stay-at-home parenting fit into property division?

Attitudes toward prenuptial agreements might be changing

Many couples enter marriage knowing that signing a prenuptial agreement is an option to help protect their assets, but others might be apprehensive to sign one or even consider the possibility of doing so. In some cases, there is an impression that signing a prenuptial agreement is counterintuitive to the idea of getting married or is something only for wealthy individuals. A recent poll suggests that these perceptions might be changing. Recently, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers released a survey of family law attorneys regarding trends in the frequency of requests for prenuptial agreements. Of those who responded, 63 percent of attorneys say they’ve seen an uptick in the number of prenuptial agreements made between soon-to-be wed couples during the last three years. Not only that, but slightly less than half of respondents said they’ve noticed that more women are making the requests. This trend might suggest that more … Continue reading Attitudes toward prenuptial agreements might be changing