How co-parents can keep the peace this holiday season

After divorce, parents may seek to come together to develop a co-parenting agreement. These co-parenting agreements allow both spouses to remain involved in their children’s lives. While there may be some awkwardness at first, parents that work together to foster a collaborative parenting environment can be beneficial for their kids. Studies have found that children with parents that have a co-parenting agreement in place have less anxiety and greater emotional wellbeing. While there are some stressors managing a co-parenting agreement from day to day, those stressors become amplified during the holiday season. Taking these actions can help you avoid an argument with your ex-spouse and make the holidays more joyful for you and your children. Discuss arrangements as soon as possible One reason that disagreements can escalate into full-blown arguments is that couples delay discussing holiday agreements until the last minute. Instead, proactively reach out to your ex-spouse to begin … Continue reading How co-parents can keep the peace this holiday season

Tips for taking some heat out of heated custody exchanges

Sharing custody of a child can be an incredible challenge for parents across Alabama, especially if the parents do not get along with each other. Under these circumstances, exchanging custody can be particularly contentious and heated. In some cases, parents can set aside their animosity for the brief time they are in contact with each other. In other cases, this is all but impossible. If you fall into the latter of these groups, then you might want to consider ways of making exchanges less volatile. To alleviate some of the tension and anxiety during custody exchanges, you can: Meet in a public place or neutral location. Schedule custody exchanges to line up with school or daycare pickups and drop-offs. Avoid having any conversations that have the potential to cause an emotional response. Make plans for after the exchange so that you have other things to focus on. Be on time. … Continue reading Tips for taking some heat out of heated custody exchanges

How can I avoid delays in my divorce?

Once you or your spouse files for divorce, you might want the whole thing to be over as quickly as possible so you can move on to the next chapter of your life. However, this can be more difficult than you expect if you run into complications or issues that delay your divorce. While you may not be able to avoid every obstacle that arises in a divorce, there are some steps you can take to ensure you are not holding up the legal process unnecessarily. You can prioritize peaceful alternative dispute resolutions, like collaboration or mediation. These methods allow two people to work together with the help of a neutral third party to find their own solutions to issues like child custody and spousal support. Litigation is often a lengthier process because everyone is at the mercy of the court’s schedule and procedures. You can get organized. Have your … Continue reading How can I avoid delays in my divorce?