Important items of consideration regarding alimony in Alabama

Some statistics suggest that half of all marriages in Alabama and across the United States eventually result in divorce. Alimony is an important divorce issue. Whether one receives payments or is ordered to make payments to a former spouse, it is advisable that all involved should gain an understanding of governing laws and guidelines.

Some believe it unfair to place undue financial obligation on a person no longer connected to a former spouse. Others maintain that certain circumstances entitle a former spouse to receive financial support in order to sustain him or herself after divorce. Either way, several factors are typically considered by the court when determining issues of alimony, otherwise known as spousal support.

As in many states, an Alabama court considers the duration of a marriage as a determining factor with regard to potential alimony. In marriages that lasted more than a decade, one former spouse is often ordered to contribute to the financial stability of the other. Age, health and gross monthly income of both parties are other issues commonly assessed when considering whether or how much alimony should be paid.

Some people refuse to accept alimony after a divorce. Others, who may not have immediate access to the workforce and who need financial support in order to provide for their most basic temporal needs, believe it necessary to their survival. Changes in employment or marital status, reduction or increase of income or other circumstances sometimes arise and necessitate legal intervention in order to obtain resolution.

In Alabama, experienced legal advocates are prepared to assist those facing alimony issues during or after divorce. One may seek consultation with a family law attorney to obtain clarification of the laws and local court procedures. He or she would be able to ensure the protection of one’s rights while representing one’s best interests in court.

Source:, “Divorce Confidential: Alimony — Are You On The Hook?“, Caroline Choi, Nov. 13, 2015