Tag Archives: Child Custody

Blended families have it harder

We’ve all heard the statistic that says 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Additionally, a person who is divorced once is more likely to divorce in their second marriage. However, numbers only tell part of the story. A subsequent effect of divorce is the creation of blended families as parents with children from previous marriages build a household together. The dynamics of a blended family are different from a traditional nuclear family because more than one set of parents and children must now be considered in arrangements. The decisions of biological parents and the influence of stepparents can create tensions between households, and the potential for conflict is not going away soon. According to the Pew Research Center, 40 percent of Americans have a step-relative in their immediate family, and the potential for problems arises because stepparents don’t proactively attempt to resolve issues between households, leading to a higher … Continue reading Blended families have it harder

Child custody, divorce issues impact children’s health

Parents facing divorce must take many issues into consideration. It can be hard to balance the needs of the children as well as amicably resolving the issues of the divorce. Alabama families will sort out child custody among other divorce considerations during divorce proceedings. A recent article also reveals how a divorce can impact the future health of children of divorced parents. A new study suggests that early life stressful experiences can alter physiological and inflammatory responses in the bodies of children and make them more susceptible to poor health and chronic illness. The early stress related with a bitter divorce can possibly affect children’s lives even decades later. The study found that children of divorced parents who don’t speak are at increased risk for colds as adults. The study included more than 200 adults. It found that children of parents who lived apart and did not talk to each … Continue reading Child custody, divorce issues impact children’s health

In Alabama and elsewhere, some grand-parents have child custody

It is obvious that grandparents tend to experience joy when they are able to spend time with the children of their own sons or daughters. In certain situations, however, child custody is given to grandparents in Alabama and elsewhere when parents have been deemed incapable of caring for their own children. Many of these cases involve parental substance abuse. A recent radio program included the interview of a woman who, with her husband, had her daughter involuntarily committed for opiate addiction. The couple then took their two grandchildren into their custodial care. Reports indicate that this is becoming a common occurrence throughout the nation. One state mentioned provides a support group for grandparents facing similar circumstances. Many of the grandparents have stated that they believed their grandchildren were in immediate danger due to their own son’s or daughter’s opiate addictions. Some of these couples have reported taking on second mortgages … Continue reading In Alabama and elsewhere, some grand-parents have child custody

Senator says dividing child custody more evenly is good for kids

Most couples who enter into marriage do so hoping that their marriages will last for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, some studies indicate that approximately half of all married couples in the nation eventually file for divorce. Many of these couples have children. Recently, a senator outside the state of Alabama drafted a bill which would require that child custody be divided more evenly between divorcing spouses. The senator stated that she believes that it is crucial for children to have frequent interaction with both parents after divorce. She claims that kids receive a multitude of benefits from spending time with both parents, as mothers and fathers have different qualities to offer their children. Her newly introduced bill would ensure that children’s time with their non-custodial parents is not less than 35 percent unless extenuating circumstances would deem less visitation appropriate. An interesting issue within the issue concerns grandparents potentially affected … Continue reading Senator says dividing child custody more evenly is good for kids

Paternal grandparents get child custody, mother of twins charged

Postpartum depression is a serious condition that is said to affect many women after giving birth to a child. In a recent case outside Alabama, the mother of twins entered a guilty plea of two counts of misdemeanor child abuse and is now facing jail time. She claims that her acts were brought on by her depressed mental state. Child custody was given to the boys’ paternal grandparents, and according to the district attorney, they are now doing fine. The 26-year-old mother, allegedly suffering from postpartum depression, is accused of leaving her 5-month-old sons in their child carriers for extended periods of time. It has been reported that the woman never bathed her babies. In her statement to the court, she said that the reason for this is that she feared that bathing the babies would cause them to drown. Both infants are said to have suffered from rashes that … Continue reading Paternal grandparents get child custody, mother of twins charged

Benefits of shared child custody for Alabama parents

Many divorcing spouses have obstacles to overcome, particularly when children are involved. Each Alabama parent has the opportunity to gain child custody. While many parents fight for full custody, it has become apparent that shared custody may be in the best interest of the children. When a couple decides to divorce, they may agree that the best thing for their children is co-parenting with shared custody. However, there may be those who feel that joint custody never works out and that it’s best to file for full custody. On the contrary, as long as there has been no abuse or violence, the best situation for the children may be to have equal time with both of their parents through shared parenting. This is similar to joint custody, but there are differences. Under shared parenting, both parents equally have the right to time with their kids and also to make decisions for … Continue reading Benefits of shared child custody for Alabama parents

Mother loses child custody after night of drinking

A teen and her 8-year-old sibling were taken into protective custody recently. Alabama residents may have learned that a mother was charged with child neglect after her 13-year-old daughter was found drunk. Now, the mother has lost child custody — not to the other parent, but to the state. Reports were received by authorities about a possible fight at a motel. When authorities arrived, they discovered the woman’s daughter in the bathroom, drunk and passed out. Reportedly, the teen was drunk to the point that she needed medical care. In addition, the mother and her boyfriend were among those who were intoxicated. The mother informed authorities that she and a group of other people were playing a drinking game on the motel room floor. She believes that her teen snuck the alcoholic beverages. At a recent court appearance, the judge determined that the children would not be returned back to … Continue reading Mother loses child custody after night of drinking

Sherri Shepherd decides she doesn’t want child custody

Actress and TV host, Sherri Shepherd, has been even more in the spotlight due to her recent divorce filing. Divorce comes with many matters for Alabama spouses to iron out, including child custody, and this case is no exception. In an unusual twist of events, Shepherd has requested not to have custody of the surrogate unborn baby. Shepherd and her newly estranged husband got married three years ago. At some point in time, Shepherd realized that she could no longer have children, which prompted her and her husband to take further action. They obtained services from a surrogate mother who became pregnant through in-vitro fertilization by a donated egg and the husband’s sperm. Initially, the husband requested for the court to grant him legal and full custody. The baby is expected to be born in the coming month, but Shepherd does not want to have anything to do with raising … Continue reading Sherri Shepherd decides she doesn’t want child custody

Making the best of child custody in Alabama

The topic of divorce can come up in a marriage for a number of reasons, whether the parties live alone or with a house full of children. In divorce proceedings that involve children, the stress increases and the process may seem more difficult. While deciding on child custody can be challenging, if both parties understand their options and are willing to work together, a solution that works for everyone can be achieved. Parents that are considering divorce in Alabama may benefit from understanding the types of child custody typically available and how to decide which one fits their particular circumstances. Divorce can seem to be a stressful life-change for those involved. For the children who watch their parents make this decision, it is even more confusing and nerve-wracking. As they deal with their own emotions, the parents should make a conscious effort to ease the tension of the transition for … Continue reading Making the best of child custody in Alabama

Alabama issues with child custody schedules

The divorce process can bring on multiple arguments between spouses. One of the main issues divorcing spouses argue about is child custody. Many Alabama residents would agree that most parents want to spend as much time as possible with their children. Even after a custody schedule is formulated, there may still be issues present when it comes to weekend visitations. Throughout the years, child custody issues have increased. Some of the most popular scheduled days to appear in a courtroom is Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. At some point in time after the schedule is ordered, a parent may end up late in dropping off or picking up the child. In some instances, a parent may not show up at all. Non-custodial parents are may also raise visitation issues when they’re due to see their child. Some will go so far as to request law enforcement to escort them to the … Continue reading Alabama issues with child custody schedules